Joost van Elzakker


    Joost is East-West Seed's Chief Commercial Officer ensuring we maintain strong connections with - and development of - our markets and farmers. 

    His journey with East-West Seed dates back to 2011, where he learned the tropical vegetable industry and served the EWS mission and vision as the group facilities and projects manager. He was able to work closely with many different functions and visit all EWS countries before becoming General Manager of East-West Seed Vietnam in 2015. He returned to a key group position, in sales and marking, at the end of 2019.


    Equipo : Managing Board

    Posición Actual : Chief Commercial Officer

    Trabaja para East-West Seed dewsde : 2011

    Establecido en : Thailand


    Bsc Agricultural Economics,
    University of applied sciences, The Netherlands

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    Este podría ser usted!

    Donde los equipos apasionados trabajan juntos, para servir a los productores, aprender e innovar.

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